
Date: 30/06/2017
From/To: Selfoss
Distance: 0 Km
Total Distance: 4922Km
Weather: Cold, Drizzling, Sunny, Windy
Road: –

On our way to Reykjavik we passed a geothermal power station and decided to have a look at it.

It was quite interesting how they create electricity and heat for central heating. Below is a very simplistic schematic and on the right a turbine with a generator.

From here we went to the Perlan, a museum build on water container holding the geothermal water for Reykjavik.

After we entered we went to the ice cave. But first we got some thermos jackets, well it took me a moment to figure out where the front and the back is.

The ice cave was amazing, blue ice, ice with different layers, even some cracks where we could see from one cave to the next. I noticed as well that it is extremely difficult to get a picture with details in a snow environment. The details of the pictures were mostly black, and given the temperature I didn’t spent too much time to figure out how to overcome it. Anyway, it was still really fun.

At the top there was a glass dome, and you could make self-portraits on the bottom glass facets.

Next stop is the Hallgrímskirkja church.


It turned out that tomorrow there would be a concert with a French organist, and she was practicing today. That was quite nice and peaceful in all the hassle and bustle. We sat there for a moment before we went to the top. Walking up was not possible-only via elevator.

The view was nice and you could see some of the nice houses around.

Here is a view back to the Perlan and you can see the huge water container around.

From here we had a stroll through the CBD. It was very educational; you could learn how to bind a tie…


and we meet some people we know, with strange clothing J

I really had to laugh when I saw the sign below, the patio was open and it was well above 5 celsius, hmmm, maybe it was +8.

There was art all around.

Sigrid found a Christmas shop, so she wrote her wish list and send it off. Well, no comments from me here J

And I like both sigs below. After reading the sign on the right, I was asking Sigrid if she want go shopping without me and place me in the ‘Husband day care center’. I tried even with ‘please’ and ‘pretty pretty please’, but Sigrid didn’t like to go shopping. Bummer.

So we went back to our current Selfoss home

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