06/04/2019: Sylt
Km travelled today: 550
Weather: Sun shine, 14 degrees
Today’s the day: our fist long distance ride on this trip!
We had never been to the island Sylt in the North sea of Germany, so Gaby took advantage of this and gave Bjoern a great 60th birthday gift last year. You guessed it, a trip to Sylt!
Matthias arrived on the dot at 9:00 am for a timely start. The first stop was after 100 km, then off again for a stop in Ratzeburg by the lake.
Since this was our diet day we had tea and coffee instead of food, which was no problem. After Ratzeburg we drove a while along some smaller roads, then back onto the highway. We finished up at the vehicle train which would take us to Sylt.
Strange thing that train- no passenger carriage at all.
Gaby was a bit worried that we’d need to sit on the bikes for the trip….
But no! They had a truck with about 10 seats parked at one end of the train, with A train attendant driving back and forth along the train in it. Once our bikes were secured on the train by the staff we were sitting comfortably in that truck for the 30 mins journey. Seriously, there were no cabins, we rode across in a truck on the train!
Getting on and off was very easy and after a short drive we reached our home for this week in Morsum.
We had an apartment with two bedrooms kitchen and lounge room, very comfortable.
Now we wanted to finish the fasting day with some fish and Gaby just knew where to go: “Gosh” which is a famous fish shop on the island.
Once there, all of our good intentions came crashing down as we had a scrumptious meal of fish and wine.
Back at home Gaby took out the champagne and after she gave a a really moving speech we re-celebrated Bjoern’s birthday.
Meanwhile on other locations around the world Niko and Simon were working to re-instigate our blog which was not working since our internet service in Adelaide had switched to NBN.
They managed to get it up and running – well limping- with a few issues remaining to be fixed at a later date. A MASSIVE thank-you to Niko at this point who put in a few hours to arrange everything when he really could have used the time elsewhere!
We had a great time on Sylt taking in the sights and enjoying the delicious food. After sightseeing we often went for coffee and cake to different bakery- cafés, for example the Kupferkanne and the Backstube, just to name a few. The Backstube had a noteworthy sign saying:” any piece of cake smaller than 300g is a cookie”- love that J
Bjorn’s pancake J
We visited the most northern part of Germany,
some beach art at that point
the highest point of Sylt – the Uve dune,
and old graveside – Hunengrab
as well as the church that has the gravestone of Mr Hahn, the captain of the ship transporting the first German settlers to Australia – specifically South Australia where they named Hahndorf after him. He was actually born here and came back in his old age.
At night we often went out for dinner into great, always different and always fabulous restaurants. Here the names of some of them:
Sansibar,where we re-celebrated Bjoern’s 60th
Samoa Seepferdchen, where we first enjoyed the sunset
Salon 1900 , after the organ concert in a nearby church
One night we cooked ourselves, easy pasta – obviously also very delicious indeed!
The other night we had a great evening with our host, Keike and Hans-Adolf. Gaby and Matthias knew them from the Glass club as they are proud owners of goggomobiles.
Time flew with great conversation, nibbles and wine.
We even kept up with our exercises, and Gaby joined in. That was great fun! But.. we didn’t take any pictures save this one
With health in mind and to combat Sigrids cough, Gaby even arranged a visit at a homeopathic practitioner, let’s see if it helps!
Oh, I nearly forgot: on our last afternoon we got to try eggnog grog at another great venue, where we watched Sylt’s motor rail trains coming and going.
And last but not least we encountered some friendly wildlife-
Some hares, just in time for Easter
Same with the lambs
And a friendly seal which we could handfeed with some fish!