Date: 16 – 19/07/2017
From/To: Abbekås – Oslo
Distance: 890 Km
Total Distance: 7638 Km
Weather: Cold, Drizzling, Sunny
Road: Paved
We had a casual breakfast and Sigrid organized some fresh herbs for her to take. We were packing up and said good bye to Gabi, Mathias as well as Bettie and Jürgen.
We reached Rostock just in time for the ferry.
We arrived late in the evening in Malmo and rode to our prebooked accomodation in Sweden. The hostel was build from previous stables.
The next day was nice and sunny, however staying longer was not an option because everything was booked.
So we booked some Airbnb for today and off we went. When we arrived at the address, the house didn’t exist there and nothing similar in the street. We confirmed with some locals that we are at the right street, town, state and countryJ. We tried to contact our host, but she didn’t’ respond. So we started to ride to the next town, there should be some sort of conference centre with a reasonable price, at least that what told us. So off we went. We arrived in a town which felt a bit remote. When we arrived at the conference centre, it was closed. Somewhere was a phone number so we called. The manager arrived five minutes later and opened a house for us. The price was really low and we were the only ones in the conference centre. Here we had some nice dinner.
The next day we started to ride around the area and found an old church. We had a look around when the priest approached us.
He explained why the church had two organs and showed us a font where the stone was from 1000BC. It was hard to belief that this peace was more than 1000 years old.
He mentioned as well that the original church was a bit further south and the restored walls were still there.
The old church was close to a lake, so Sigrid couldn’t resist dipping her feet in. Well, it was ‘refreshing’.
The next day we booked to an accommodation close to the west coast of Sweden. Our previous host suggested to visit ‘Smogens’ it would be a nice fishing village. So we went to Smogens before we went to our accommodation. Below are some pictures.
A bit outside there was a beach with a small pool, mostly setup for small kids. From this pool there was a foot path glued to the rocks J. The water was cristal clear and from the bridge you could watch some fish and yellifish swimming around.
From here we drove to our accomodation. We had some difficulty to find it, since I didn’t read the number on the house correctly. At the end, a lady living in the street, did show me the house J
So after we settled in our accomodation, we had a short walk torwards the large bridge in this aresa. Here is the attempt to take a picture of the large bridge,-still looks way smaller than. In reality…
but we had a nice sunset on the lake.
Tomorrow we are heading to Oslo.