Date: 21/09/2013
City: Airolo, Switzerland
Kilometres ridden: 257
Cumulative kilometre: 59643
Street: Highway, Mountain Pass
Weather: Sunny, cold, warm
We got up early to arrive at the BMW workshop before it is closes on Saturday. We had to get Kuh Elsa a check up, and find out where the gear box noise was coming from. After a very nice breakfast at the hotel we stared our trip to the next BMW workshop, which was just 100km away.
The ride was a bit tense, since I wasn’t sure if the bike would make it all the way. In the end we arrived and the guys at the workshop had a close look and even a test ride.
Well, the verdict was not bad and not good either. It is either the clutch or the gear box, the bike could make it for the rest of our trip or not, depending what was causing the noise.
Great! that didn’t help much, but I got a good hint, the noise will get worse before I have a real problem. The estimated time to get the bike repaired is around two weeks. The made it easy for us, we will continue until the noise gets worse. So we continued to the San Bernardino Pass, which had a little lake at the top.
The road towards Airolo was just great.
In Ariolo we had difficulty finding a hotel with reasonable/affordable prices. Eventually we opted for a small room under the roof, but the view was great.
Tomorrow we will have a go at the Oberalp pass, which is apparently quite scenic. Here’s hoping that the noise doesn’t get worse 😀