Date: 27/05
City: Buenos Aires, Colonial de Sacramento, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46507
Street: City roads
Weather: Sunny, warm
We got up early and arrived at the ferry an hour earlier. We went through the check-in without problems. When we were on the ferry I realised that I didn’t have my receipt for the paid reciprocity fee with me. Without that I can’t get back into Argentina until I organize either a copy of it or pay it again. That would mean that I would miss the ferry back, great. Sigrid had the idea that we could have a look for an internet café to get another printout of this document. We will have a look in Uruguay so nothing what we can do about it now. The seating in the ferry was quite nice and the time traveling went fast.
Unfortunately we couldn’t get outside during the traveling time and the windows were fogged up. We arrived in Uruguay after an hour and the weather was beautiful, the sun was shining and it was not too hot or too cold, just right.
We first visited the tourist information to find out were Internet cafes are to try to print the missing document. But before we got there we strolled along the river to the historical part of the city with a gate and a draw bridge.
Well, I can tell you it’s not easy to lift up.
Strolling through the historic town reminded us of Italy.
And then Sigrid spotted a church…. Well lets have a look at that.
After getting my document printed out again, we still had some time before the ferry would leave. We sat in the restaurant we had seen earlier and spend the last Uruguay pesos. The place had a nice flair with some old cars that could be used for dining- well two of them, the third car was a huge flower pot.
The way back was straight forward. Tomorrow I have my appointment at the US embassy, hope that all goes well there, otherwise we can forget Alaska.
Date: 28/05
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 12
Cumulative kilometre: 46519
Street: City roads
Weather: Cloudy, rain / warm
I got up early and arrived at the embassy thirty minutes early. After getting told where I can’t park, I finally found a spot where I could park the bike and nobody was complaining. After queuing for a while, I joint another queue, and after two further queues I could sit and wait (in a sitting queue). The interview went quick and the visa is approved, yippee! I hopped on the bike and made my way back to the hostel. I could see dark clouds coming up, so I was happy that I arrived just before the rain started. Sigrid and I had breakfast and then the rain and hail started. The roof must have had leak! In the hallway the water was coming out of the light fittings and flooding the floor.
And there was ice on the terrace, winter starts here😉. Hopefully the Iguazu falls are not frozen when we get there in the next couple of days 😉
So today was now official declared as a day for blogging and that’s what I did the whole day, well I had a short snooze as well. Tomorrow we have to get up early and hopefully Sigrid’s screw will be out by noon without too much pain or complication.
Date: 29/05
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 12
Cumulative kilometre: 46531
Street: City roads
Weather: Cloudy/ warm
We arrived at the hospital a bit earlier and waited for the doctor.
There are no chairs for people to sit on when they are waiting, so Sigrid used the stairs. After a while a different doctor appeared and led Sigrid to the operation room. I was standing in front of the door and staring at it for an hour.
Then the doc and Sigrid appeared, Sigrid showing off her new trophy, the screw.
As it turned out, the docotor was a specialist in removing the screws, but he seems to lacked a bit of experience in getting the dose for local Anestisia right, and it seems that he didn’t care too much about it. After getting back to the hostal, I organzied some pain killer (happy pills) for Sigrid and after a power nap we went for a test run around the block.
It seems that Sigrid could walk quite nicely, with a bit more excercises and the wound healed, she would be ready to ride her bike again. But first we are going to visit the Iguazu Falls.
Hallo Ihr Beiden!
Schön, dass Du, Sigrid, die Schraube wieder los bist.
Habe heute hier in der Kurklinik gehört, dass bei einem Mann, der sich in Österreich das Bein gebrochen hatte, in Berlin die Schraube erst beim 2. Anlauf entfernt werden konnte, weil das passende Werkzeug fehlte. Und ich dachte immer, dass Ihr in den Weiten Südamerikas viel gefährlicher lebt.
Aber Ihr seid ja jetzt wieder ganz im Norden. Ob wohl der kanadische Sommer von den Temperaturen her mit dem argentinischen Winter vergleichbar ist?
Ich freue mich schon darauf, Neues von Euch zu lesen.
Liebe Grüße von Ria