Date: 30/05
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46531
Street: City roads
Weather: Cloudy / warm
We had a rest day but Sigrid got restless and we decided to visit the Teatro Colon in the evening. It is the main theatre in Buenos Aires and is considered to be one of the five best theatre venues in the world (I love wikipedia, I can pretend I knew these things before we went there 😉 ) . We actually went to have a look at the beautiful interior, but when we got there we saw a concert as a freebe. Below are some pictures of the theatre.
When the concert was over we left throught the main entrance, which was really nicely decorated.
Since Sigrid couldn’t wear here bike boots yet, so she was wearing her croks. As you can see they matched nicley with the carpet J
Date: 31/05
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 12
Cumulative kilometre: 46531
Street: City roads
Weather: Sunny / warm
Today we planned to buy our bus tickets to Iguazu and to organize the bike shipping. When we talked to our host, she told us that a bus strike is planned for tomorrow and nobody knew when the strike would end. So we went to a couple of travel agents and finally found one which had some flights not much more expensive than the bus tickets, we were happy. On our way to Dakar Motos we found a restaurant making real Asado in the kitchen, I guess vegetarians have difficulties in Argentina . Here are two pictures, before and after.
When we arrived at Dakar Motos Sigrid was happy, her bike was there.
We organized all the paperwork needed for shipping the bikes. Sandra was very organized and it didn’t take much time to finish the paperwork at all.
So it looks like the bikes will be put on a pallet on Wednesday and shipped a day after. Cool, it seems that all is lined up and tomorrow we leave for Iguazu, our last destination in South America.
Date: 01 – 02/06
City: Puerto de Iguazu, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46531
Street: City roads
Weather: Sunny / warm
The taxi ride to the airport was crazy. I thought that nobody could make me feel uncomfortable with their driving, but our taxi driver did. I couldn’t watch him driving, every direction change was a close call. I understand now why the taxis in Buenos Aires don’t use their indicators; there’s no time for it. Before the light starts to blink they have changed the direction again. Anyway, we arrived at the airport after 45 minutes of mad driving, well, the traffic wasn’t really moving, only our taxi was J. We hopped into the air plane and arrived in Iguazu at night. I like the atmosphere and the temperature here. It’s warm, a bit humid and it feels like rainforest, which is no surprise; Puerto de Iguazu is in the rain forest.
The next day we took a bus to the water falls; they are part of a nature park which is 20km outside of Puerto Iguazu.
You get around there in a small train, which drives you to two different train stations. And there we saw coatis for first time.
As we found out, they know how to open the animal safe trash cans, they just squeeze themselves under the handle and the lid opens.
And then we got the first view over the falls.
Below are different picture from different viewpoints.
One area on our walking trail had plenty of butterflies
And there were the monkeys.
There was a possibility to take a boat trip close to the falls and we thought why not. On the way to the jetti we came across some more viewpoints.
After booking the tickets one guy told us they don’t sell the raincoats since they don’t really work and we had to put all the gear that should stay dry into a dry bag. Okay, I put my motor bike jacket in my t-shirt, socks and shoes into one bag. Sigrid was clever and put her long trousers in as well… Turned out to be a good move.
As it turned out, it felt like we were drowning while we were sitting in the boat. I understand now what the guy was saying – the rain coats don’t work – they just can’t keep you dry when you are submerged in water. A wetsuit might have been a better idea 😉
After we got sort of dry again we caught the last train to the devels throad, apparently the best viewpoint. On our way to it we followed a board walk that let over multiple rivers
After roughly one km we arrived at the fall, and it was amazing.
What an amazing day.