Syncronized bike dropping


After our turnoff we continued for anther 30km before we had a short break on an idyllic place with a river running behind us.

When we stopped I notice the amount of bull dust on the side of the road, we didn’t notice it when we were riding (I drew a smiley in, hard to see on the picture).

Not long after that we arrived at our next turnoff, the route 231, which is nothing special just a connection road to the border.

Here we decided to see what the oncoming cars would doing if we both drop our bikes at the same time. As it turns out, they were very surprised but helpful.
Seriously though, here’s what actually happened: There was an oncoming car playing chicken with us. He didn’t move to the side and used the whole middle of the road for himself. To make it more interesting he even started to get a bit faster. So we moved over to the side…  …remember the pervious comment about the bull dust?

Yup. I stopped the bike and put my foot down to stop – using the front break for the last bit – which turned out to be a big mistake. So the bike stopped but I couldn’t hold it, and I dropped it. Sigrid was just behind me, and figured we’re putting our bikes down and so dropped her bike as well. Unfortunately she twisted her ankle in that action. Next time she should pay attention I thought, but later on I found the reason for the accident. Her Guardian Bell got stuck (for explanation see last post), so the Evil Road spirit could get grip on the bike again! You see?!? Definitive proof that the spirit really exists. I fixed the bell, so we should be safe from more accidents. This time it was hard to take a picture since we were both on the ground. 😉
Below are the bikes just standing up again.

Anyway, the driver from the following car stopped and helped us get the bikes up. After checking everything was ok and making sure that nothing broken on Sigrid’s leg, we told them that we were embarrassed but that everything was fine. We jumped on our bikes and continued the next 20km to Futeleufu, this time without dropping or stopping.:)
Sigrid felt her ankle swelling so we booked into the next hostal and started the ice treatment. Hopefully nothing else on her foot is damaged; it is hard to see at the moment.

Side note,… the weather forecast said fine for the next three days, then its starts to rain for the next couple of days before the first snow comes, interesting times….


1 comment

  1. I love that area !! And you lucky guys have very good weather conditions.If in the south of Chile did´t rain in your travel,it s a miracle or the end of the world….the true.
    pd: in the past post,i note you followed my advice and eat “curanto” the typical southern chilean meal…mmmmmmmmmmm and again mmmmmmm jeje

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