Date: 31/03
City: Futaleufu, Chile
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 40450
Street: –
Weather: sunny/cloudy, warm
Today was Easter Sunday and Sigrid enjoyed the breakfast in bed.
We didn’t hunt Easter eggs since Sigrid was still icing her foot. So we got some Easter eggs with our breakfast and then had some Skype sessions with Australia, and Simon (our son and editor) in Paris.
The swelling hadn’t gone down as much as we would have liked it. So we had a very quiet day and relaxing day, the only thing that kept us busy was organizing ice and changing the alternating the ice packs every 20 minutes.
City: Futaleufu , Chile
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 40450
Street: –
Weather: sunny/cloudy, warm
Today was Futaleufu day with a celebration at the main square. Sigrid’s food was still swollen, so she had to stay in the room and watch from the window.
I went out and had a closer look at the parade.
City: Futaleufu , Chile
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 40450
Street: –
Weather: sunny/cloudy, warm
One year on the road a day to celebrate but Sigrid’s swelling didn’t go back and we started to get a bit concerned. We ask Betina (the Hostel owner) and she arrange for a doctor to have a look at the foot. Well he couldn’t really say much without X-rays so we made an appointment for tomorrow morning. Now it was time to celebrate our one year on the road with some champaign. 😀
Tomorrow we will know why Sigrid’s foot is being so reluctant get back into a normal shape.