Date: 23/10
City: La Paz, Baja, Mexico
Miles ridden: 20
Cumulative miles: 14565
We took our time to get ready since the ferry was leaving at 17:00 and we should be there three hours earlier. I took a couple of pictures of the court yard, since there were so many items (nicely put) to see. Did I mention that some Trip advisor reviews used the word quirky? Here some closer shots.
Any when I though I got everything, Sigrid ask me if I took a picture of the monkey. Which monkey?!? There was the front of an old car and in it was a monkey wearing a hat.
We really enjoyed the two days here but now I was keen to get to the mainland. So we set the bikes up and I got them out of the court yard. It was surprisingly easy and the damage to the house and interior was minimal 😀
Then we drove to the ferry to arrive there the allotted 3 hours before we had to leave. It took some time before we figured out where the entrance was. While passing through customs we got on a scale too – the bike including me weighs 310Kg.
Then we arrived at a roofed area and were siting there for three hours before we got moving.
Our ferry from the side
When we arrived we talked to two bicycle riders. It turned out that they are from Germany and Austria. During our conversation more and more motorcycle riders arrived. We met one from New York, (Well, previously from new York, at the moment he is living on the road), on guy from France, one from Mexico and a couple from Canada (Kevin and Karin). As it turned out, Karin is from Germany and moved to Canada elven years ago. Karin didn’t feel well; she had something to eat a day before that didn’t agree with her. Anyway, we had dinner together and had a look at the upper deck. The temperature was perfect and the see was calm. We took the last picture of the Baja peninsula. Adios Baja, viva Mexico Mainland (no idea what this in would be Spanish).
Hi Sigi ,Bjoern, sure impressive and now you can perfectionize your spanish. Wish the trip contioues safe and eventful. We follow you … on the screen. Alli + Hugo