Date: 28/08
City: Fletsher Falls, BC
Miles ridden: 119
Cumulative miles: 11016
In the morning we were woken up by the smell of coffee and fresh baked muffins. That got even me out of bed. CJ (our host) setup the breakfast table on the veranda. The sun was shining, the temperature was just right.
Unbelievably, we started to talk to CJ while drinking coffee which made it was really hard to get moving. At around 10AM we decided to stay a day longer and, lucky us, the room had not been booked. So we caught up with all our stuff, blogs, mails etc., had great conversation about CJ’s journeys and Buddy the dog kept us company (and kept us save from bears).
It was a real relaxing day. Sigrid and Wombat hat too much energy, so they walked to the waterfall near by.
At night the three girls had a glass of wine before we had tea.
But tomorrow we are realy leaving… 😉
Date: 29/08
City: Whitefish, BC
Miles ridden: 273
Cumulative miles: 11289
We had a long day planned so we got up early, had a nice breakfast, took some pictures of the house and said goodbye to CJ.
After a ride on a beautiful road along a lake we hopped on a ferry for a leisurely 30 minute ride.
On the ferry we meet a Canadian couple that just started to ride motorcycles together; she turned 50 on Friday and got a bike – a Honda Shadow – as a gift. After we got off the ferry, we continued to ride along a lake. Then we stopped at a glass house, or more specifically a house that is build out of glass bottles.
Sigrid and Wombat went in, Val and I stayed outside, 10$/visitor was too much for us, and apparently there was no rocks in the glass house. But I didn’t get bored – a guy named Miles came over and we talked about trips and motorcycles. After all the pictures were taken we continued our trip. Another 150km then we had a short lunch at Burger King, just before we crossed the border to the USA. At border crossing we ask the customer officer what to do with the white card in our visa as it was only valid until the 2nd October. He said, exit the USA, give the I94 paper to the Canadian officer, they will forward it to the US and on the next entry to the US ask for a new I94. That didn’t sound too difficult to do. So we will give that a try in the next couple of days. After another 100km we arrived in Whitefish, unpacked our bikes and went to dinner at pizza hut. At dinner we discussed that we would ride the ‘way to the sun road’ in the Glacier National park tomorrow and then cross the border to Canada to give our I94 away and get a new one on the next US entry. After that we would aim for Rapid City and stay there for a couple of days. That would give us the chance to get our bikes serviced and to get some things sent to us.
Date: 30/08
City: Cardston, Alberta,
Miles ridden: 115
Cumulative miles: 11404
Since we determined that we would be in Rapid City on Monday we organized some highway pegs, a mirror for my bike and a replacement lid for my helmet camera to be sent to the motorcycle shop. After making all the arrangements, we started our trip to the Glacier National Park. Riding through the national park was just fun, good curvy roads lined by pine trees. After a while we started to climb and the view got even better.
On the way to the top we hit 2 road work sites, both had muddy gravel roads, but it was no problem. At Logon Pass we stopped, walked around and had a look at a bit of snow. There was also a hiking trail to the snow, but we don’t do hiking on Thursdays and today was Thursday, what a pity 😉
We had a short walk back to the valley where we could see the road that we came on, there was another hiking trail, but again, it was Thursday 🙂
We talked to a couple of motorcycle riders in the parking lot then continued our trip. On the way out of the park we stopped at a view point from which we could see a glacier. The sign said that the glacier is only 25% of its original size (around 1900) and will disappear around 2030.
The water from the glacier was running into a crystal clear lake and there was a bikie chick sitting on the side rail.
The plan was to go over the border and give our form I 93 away to the Canadian officer and enter the US the next day again to get a new form. At the border crossing we got rid of our form I93, we will see if we get a new one tomorrow. The landscape changed dramatically, from a mountain range to a plain with roads disappearing into the horizon. After a short ride we arrived in Cardston not far from the border and found a good motel with a double room for just 116$, it had even a pool, but no breakfast.
Hope it works tomorrow with the I93 form, otherwise we might be stuck in Canada for a couple of weeks 😀