New York New York (2)


Today we had a marvellous breakfast in a corner store at the train station. It looked like a restaurant from a movie. For me it was like paradise. They offered all types of omelettes and you could buy a bottomless cup of coffee (the coffee tasted nice and so did the omelettes!).

We all enjoyed it so much that the start to the city was a bit delayed. Today we thought we’d have a look at the Brooklyn Bridge. To be honest, Mathias came up with the idea, we just followed along :D. So we jumped on the train and nearly got it right.

We picked a train that did actually go to Brooklyn but via a different route. So we decided that we would walk the rest of the way. When we went through the streets, we saw plenty of Jewish people burning something in big piles, there where fires all over the place. I saw some bread and a toaster in one pile.

Belinda explained it to us later that this is part of the Passover celebration; all yiddish people shouldn’t eat any food that rises (that is, containing yeast) in their house, so it was all burned. We thought it was all really interesting:


After some detours we arrived at the famous restaurant on the side of the Brooklyn Bridge, but before we entered the restaurant we queued to get some freshly made ice-cream from a shop in an ex-fireboat house. The ice-cream and the view at this place were great.

This is the ice-cream store and Bjorn realised that the skyline was mirrored in the door. Nice shot! 😀

After we finished the ice-cream we went into the River Café restaurant,

Gabi and Mathias ordered two glasses of wine and I ordered two glasses of Champagne. Uhm.. As we are in New York and they call it sparkling wine, that turned out to be a rather expensive mistake… :/
Nevertheless, it tasted nice!


After a nice rest we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge.

It is impressive how people could manage to build something like this in the early 1900.

From there we walked across to the Hudson Rivers river front and found a curious sculpture area.

It looked like some topics were related to money, but we couldn’t figure out what it was all about. Regardless, the sculptures looked interesting.

We kept walking,

but by Peer 40 we started to feel our legs and we went into the city to have some dinner. Found a cosy Pizzeria had some salad, pizzas and wine and went home after.


The next day started simular,

Breakfast at the corner shop at the train station. After that Gabi and Mathias went to the city, Sigrid and I stayed home to organize some things needed for picking up the bike (and writing a blog).

In the afternoon we meet with Gabi and Mathis at the Apple store.

We had a short look and went out again; Gabi bought a protection for here iPhone, but the prices for the ipad2 were the same as everywhere else.

In a nearby building we stumbled across a bike for Bjoern!

Then we walked to the Rockefeller building, which was beautifully decorated

And more specifically, it was also decorated for easter 🙂

So up we went

Some pictures from above

Still more sightseeing , this is Grand Central Station

Gaby and Mattias had enough for the day – we motored on to the Empire State Building

The views from there are even more impressive! Sorry to say , even the Diddles agree, the Empire State Building beats the Rockefeller Centre for views over the city J

The lift there is a well-kept relic of the past.  Loved it!

On the way home we took the subway and were very surprised to find it not as deserted as expected. We had a nice ride home and arrived at abut 3am on Sunday morning, Happy Easter!














  1. Wow that all looks really impressiv.You had sooo many to look at and you still look as you enjoyed it,great. Hugs to you all.

  2. Hi Bjoern & Sigrid,
    Apologies for not writing sooner, I actually thought I had time to come and see you fly away but obviously got my dates all wrong.
    That’s what happens when you get old ;).
    Great to see you guys are on your way and your ability to have contingency plans for everything is already being tested.
    Your photos and commentary make it look very inviting.
    til next time take care,
    Charles & Joanne

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