New I93 form

Date: 31/08
City: Grand Falls, Montana
Miles ridden: 214
Cumulative miles: 11618

Since we had an indoor pool, we went for a swim in the morning.

Then we had breakfast and packed up to get over the border and sort our I93 form out. After a 30 minutes ride we arrived at the Canada/US border. The officer was very friendly and supportive, and after paying $6 each we got our new I93 form. It really was that simple. We were all happy that it went so well and we could stay in the US until February next year. (Well, technically we will leave the US beginning of October). The landscape has now changed to large plains which was not as exciting as the Glacier NP. We stopped in a town called Two Medicine at the dinosaur center which has the world largest dinosaur on display.


The dinosaur was a replica of bones found nearby, it was a quite impressive size, I couldn’t get it into one photo.

There were plenty of other exhibits

and we could have spent at least a few more hours there, but it was late and we would like to make it to Grand Falls tonight. So we mounted our bikes and rode to Grand Falls. The plan is to get to Custer’s last stand in the next two days and then continue to Rapid City to get our bike service done.


  1. Wir freuen uns das wir bei eurem trip das alles mit erleben duerfen, durch die geschichten und bilder. Wir gucken jeden tag nach was es neues gibt. Wir meinen ihr habt eine gute route ausgesucht, und hoffen das der rest der reise weiterhin sehr schoen verlaeuft!

    Oma und Opa

  2. Hi Guys,
    You’re showing us what beautiful country sides there are to see and some of the nicest people you meet along the way.
    It must be hard not to just want to keep going and going.
    Love your adventure story so far, keep up the great work.
    Charles & Joanne

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