01-02/05/2019: La Gougeonnais
Km travelled today/sum: 340 km / 2261km
Cloudy, twisty and straight country roads, highway
I probably got your attention with that title, right? It may actually be a good idea to have Camembert and Oysters prepared together, but we opted to have them separately.
As you can imagine, Diddle, our road-companion-mouse was extremely excited. So we set off together and walked to a small museum which shows the history of the production of Camembert cheese, as well as the differences between different camemberts and an overview over the different labels from this region.
- During our production process tour, Diddle went missing. Can you find him?
- Happy as a mouse in cheese
At the end of the museums tour there was a free tasting of three different types of Camembert. Having them side by side showed us the differents in taste quite clearly. Meanwhile, Diddle was just sitting there overwhelmed, unable to make a decision on which to taste first.
Diddle also felt quite at home in the gift shop, and was trying to convince us to leave him here.
After having fun, all be it a bit cheesy, in Camembert, we hopped onto our bikes and continued to Cancale. On the way our credit card was rejected at a couple of petrol stations, which was annoying as today was a public holiday, so all petrol stations with personell were closed. Only the ones which accept credit cards were open. After the 3rd petrol station rejected our credit card and we were down to 200km remaining, I started to get a bit concerned. In the end we picked a petrol station away from the main road and, to our relief, the card worked. 😅
Not much later we arrived in Cancale and were parking the bikes at the harbour where the oysters were sold. We couldn’t believe it, a dozen Oysters for 6 Euro.
So we opted for 2 dozen and, since we had to ride, we skipped the Champagne and had some Cider instead 😁
Well, we didn’t have any accommodation yet, so we organized some close by.
The next day we mostly blogged and planned, but at night we went back to the super cheap Oyster place and bought 3 dozen this time, still closed. Our host showed us how to open them without injuring ourselves. At the end of the 3 dozen, Sigrid and I got it going. We gave one dozen to Pascal, our host, since he was so nice to show us how to chuck oysters, gave us the chucking knife, had organized fresh croissants for us in the morning and even let us have his home-made marmalade.
It was a really nice two days. By writing this blog, I realise that next time we will try have to try Oysters with Camembert after all 😋. Tomorrow we will continue to Carnac, to have a look at Obelix’s Menhirs.