Date: 22/4/2019
Location: Magdeburg
Km travelled today/sum: 156km / 156km
Weather: Sun shine, 25 degrees, city/highway
For the first time, we packed our noble steeds with everything we needed. It took a while to sort things out, but at the end it worked out quite nicely. We said goodbye to Freya and headed off!
Our first stop was the Brandenburg Gate. We wanted to take some pictures of us skipping in front of the gate.
The idea behind that you may remember, dear reader, from the previous blog
Anne, our lovely gym instructor at the EFM gym back in Adelaide, organised a travel exercise regime for us. This regime included two T-shirts with the EFM club logo, to take along on our trip. We thought we could at least send some pictures of us doing some exercise wearing the shirts.
The initial idea was to just do it in front of the pyramids in Egypt, but Sigrid thought why not do it in front of different land marks? Since we are in Berlin, the Brandenburg gate qualifies. This idea came to us recently, so today was the first time we would try it J. Here we are in front of the Brandenburg gate, skipping
Next we had arranged with Bodo, Sigrids Brother, to meet at their Garden “Laube”, which is a nice garden with a small house on it. We arrived a bit before the agreed time and woke everybody from a siesta, whoops! Everyone got up and coffee was brewed. Linda had made some black forest cake, which was super yummy! Simon and Manja arrived soon after us to join the group. They brought some nice leftover easter cake., so we plenty of cake for all of us!
- Lindas Black Forest cake
- Simons traditional easter cake “Falscher Hase”
.Not long after the cake was finished we left on a sugar high J.
Since we had planned to travel some distance today we couldn’t stay longer. The weather was sunny, still a bit on the cold side, but with our heated gear on it was comfortable. Around 18:00 we arrived in Magdeburg and had a look for a hotel. When we arrived, the hotel Lion was locked but a phone number was on the door. We called, but the lady said, ‘Well, I was there until 17:00 and I don’t want to leave the house now, so I won’t rent out a room tonight.” I’ve heard the German expression that Germany is a ‘Service waste land’, now I know what it means J.
Anyway, Magdeburg is a large city, so there are plenty of other accommodation options around. We opted for an even cheaper option, Lara, close by which even had a Restaurant in the house.
23-25/4/2019: Laubach , Waldfeucht
Km travelled today/sum: 290km / 475km
Sun shine, 25 degrees, road/highway
Over the next couple of days we slowly made our way to the most western point of Germany. It was on our way to Reims anyway, so we thought why not take a picture there. After we left Magdeburg, we travelled through some nice Harz backroads, which was extremely enjoyable riding a motorbike.
Overnight we stayed in Laubach.

View from our room
Eventually we ended up in ‘Waldfeucht’ (literally “Moist forest”), which was not particular wet. But from here it was not far to the most western point of Germany. And here it is, the most western point:
As nice as it was there, we were looking forward to our next stop, Reims, a town with a fantastic cathedral and… I nearly forgot… the major town where they produce Champagne J