Date: 22-29/05/2017
From/To: Berlin – Sippersfeld
Distance: 785Km
Total Distance: 1800Km
Road: High Way
In the morning we went swimming with Gabi and had breakfast at the pool. The weather was just great. We went home, packed up and left, with a shot detour to Klaus & Conni. We left on Friday the
luggage there since we had to change the tires. At Klaus we packed the rest and we are ready to go.
We had only one traffic jam, it was reasonable hot, but it took no more than 20 minutes. We arrived in Jena without any problem. We even found out how to refill my scot oiler J. As I have learned, it is not a good idea to try to fill it up using the breathing hose J. We had a nice dinner and went to bed.
Talking to the waiter, it would be worthwhile to have a look at the tower, so we did.
To our surprise, the tower is called the
‘Intershop Tower’.
From the top of the tower you got a good view over Jena. We had some
lunch and stumbled across the ‘Cosmorama’, the unit used in the ‘Zeiss Planetarium Jena’ until it was dismantled in 1996. After lunch we started to get to Sippersfeld.
We arrived after a reasonable long day and Sigrid was happy to relax. The setup was just beautiful.
We setup the tent from Steffi and Julia. It was similar to our tent and went up in no time.
We met as well Sebastian and Sonja, the couple that sold us Sigrid’s bike. They had been travelling to Ushuaia as well, so we had lots of stories to share.
At night I noticed that my air mattress was leaking, so the next morning I decided to have a look at it, Sebastian came along to help. Putting the air mattress into the lake did show the problem quickly. We applied a patch and let it dry. Then we went for a beautiful ride. In the evening we listen to multiple presenters talking about their experience during their journey. Some have travelled through Africa, others around the world. Some were very well prepared, others made it up as they went.
The next day we stayed at the campground and talked to some people. There were as well two interesting stalls, one was about travelling China, which might become handy on our next trip. The other was a guy who modified a motorcycle to travel from Alaska to the South Pole.
He is still in the process of modifying the bike
Previously he travelled around the world using his modified ‘Fireblade’.
We enjoyed the three days there; the time was over too quickly. After this weekend we are even keener to start our next long overland trip.
On Sunday we said good bye to people we met.
We stayed for another day, just relaxing and having a swim in the pond.
Our next stop is Verdun in France.