Date: 05 – 06/10
City: Paris, France
Kilometres ridden: 358
Cumulative kilometre: 62583
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, warm, Rainy, cold
We arrived in Buc, a town close to Versailles, without any problems. The next day we made our way to the Palace of Versailles. We were lucky: we didn’t have to pay parking fees with our motorcycle and we got a park right front of the Place.
However it took a while before we got the tickets and then we had to join a queue to enter the Palace….
The splendour in which Versailles was built is unbelievable. Below is a model of Versailles which gives an overview, the small brown building in front is the entrance gate which you see in the picture above.
Below are some pictures of some of the amazing hallways and rooms.
The sheer size of some of the paintings was impressive; some pictures were larger than the footprint of our first flat!
And the painted ceilings were just mind boggling.
I found the hall of mirrors most impressive. From here you also had a view over the garden which was so big that it would take a full day to visit.
It took us until the evening to have a look through all the rooms and hallways. We didn’t have time to visit the garden as well. That would take us another day! So in the evening we hopped onto the bike and rode to Paris, which was just under 100km away. Sigrid had booked a flat for us for the next four days. It was just under the roof, which ment climbing stairs. I guess that will be good for our waistline J
Hi Siggi&Björn!
Wieder mal eine echt geile Europe-Doku. Ich hoffe euch geht es gut und ihr könnt noch euren Trip, sowie die tolle Zeit speichern. Wie sieht es mit Job´s aus? Schon was in Sicht? Nun, ich habe große Weihnachtspause und muss erst wieder im neuen Jahr arbeiten. Ela muss leider durch ackern. Okay, lasst es euch gut gehen. Ich wünsche euch schon mal schöne Weihnachten bei sommerlichen Wetter und ein happy new Year!
LG die Steppi´s