
Date: 28/09/2013
City: Monaco, Monaco
Kilometres ridden: 349
Cumulative kilometre: 60739
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, warm

The broken rear break hose was fixed during the morning and after some thorough testing we went back to our accommodation, packed up and said good bye to our nice hosts.

Then we took off, direction Monaco. We arrived in the evening and started to search for an affordable hotel. Some of the hotels started at 400$ per night, which was far too expensive for us.

After asking some people we finally found some affordable accommodation, not far from the centre and in a nice neighbourhood.

In the evening we strolled to the casino

and Sigrid started to select cars… she didn’t pick a BMW, I wonder why? 😉

On our way down to the sea we found two old acquaintances we met in Medellin, Columbia before. A sculpture of Fernado Botero, with the same parts polished as in Medellin 🙂.

In the habour we could see the yachts nicely illuminated and from this viewpoint monte carlo looked quite nice.

On our way back to our accommodation we found the hotel Paris, it looks great but is out of our league 😉

Monte Carlo has a real nice atmosphere, very happy that we stopped here. Tomorrow we will have a look at the Grand Canyon du Verdon.

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