Date: 07/06
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46603
Street: City roads
Weather: Sunny / warm
Today we planned to spend more time in La Boca. Last time Sigrid was on crutches and walking was hard on the cobble stone streets. So we hopped on a public bus and rode it to La Boca (no moto L ). The houses look nice with the different colours and figurines on the balcony.
We were walking around, looking at gift shops and other nice things
before we had lunch at a restaurant that had a tango performance.
After we finished our lunch, we thougth that it doesn’t look too difficult, so we gave it a try as well. I had fun, it was a bit more difficult for Sigrid wearing her Crocks J
On our way back we passed the harbor and some interesting wiring experiences, imagine trying to find a fault in there.
Date: 08/06
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46603
Street: City roads
Weather: Sunny / warm
Sigrid found a ball on the way to the Recoleta cemetery and had to use it for her stretching exercises.
The cemetery consists of a labyrinth of ways lined with pompously decorated mausoleums.
Some doors allowed us to have a peak into the inside. This mausoleum had a marbel altar in front and on the left side are the stairs down to the crypt.
Other mausoleum seemed to be forgotten and nature starts to claim them back.
There are also mausoleums which looked like a small church or some giant sculptures.
I liked the cat on the right hand side.
One of the famous mausoleums is the one of Eva Peron, so we had a look for it. We thought that we would find large signs guiding us to it, but it was nothing like that. The mausoleum looked like all the other ones but had some flowers on the entrance door, nothing more.
We had a hard time to find the exit in the maze of roads, but in the end we managed 🙂.
From here we had a look what’s around. First we found an art marked and then we stumbled across the metal blossom. The flower opens at 7:30 in the morning and closes at 18:30, the weight of the whole blossom is 2 tons and it is driven hydraulic and solar power.
Date: 09/06
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 46603
Street: City roads
Weather: Cloudy/ drizzling
Today we had an appointment in the hospital to get Sigrids scar inspected. The doc was happy and removed the stiches. Sigrid was happy, mostly because this declared the end of our hospital visits, at least for her broken leg.
On our way back we took the subway for the first time. It looked really clean and new, as we found out, this station was inaugurated three weeks ago.
The trains reminded me of the old berlin underground.
Back at the hostel we started to pack our gear, tomorrow we would leave South America and fly to Seattle.