Day: 77
Date: 18/06
City: Lake Tahoe, California
Miles ridden: 172
Cumulative miles: 6505
Today, after breakfast we started in direction Lake Tahoe, below is a picture of the road.
We followed a scenic drive around lake June and had a brief stop at the beach. The water was quite chilli, even for Sigrid
Then we made our way to the petrol station at the end of the Tioga Pass. The view at lake mono was great and so were the tacos 😀
We continued to Lake Tahoe. After Topas we turned on the CA 89, a twisty road with beautiful views, passes and creeks,
If I have a chance I would like to ride this road with the bike again, though time will tell. We arrived in Lake Tahoe at 16:00, unpacked and walked to the Casino to score a cheap meal. Nothing cheap in the casino. So we looked around and I had a short rest with my buddy’s 🙂
In the end we found a nice an Irish pub where we had a nice stew. Sigrid is drinking my beer again 😉
Day: 78
Date: 19/06
City: Lake Tahoe, California
Miles ridden: 0
Cumulative miles: 6505
The next morning we had planned to get onto a paddle steamer for a boat ride on the lake, however the lady in the ticket both didn’t sell us a ticket, since we were 1 minute too late… Even though the boat was still moored and people were still getting onto it. My fault, I made the time estimation. When the ship left, we noticed that is was no paddle steamerat all! It was a normal boat. Asking the lady at the ticket counter (the one which doesn’t sell tickets if you are one minute late), and she confirmed that the paddle steamer was in maintenance and this was the replacement boat, but the price was the same. So in the end, I was not too upset. When we walked back, we saw a DUCK Amphi vehicle, so we called them and booked a tour with them instead.
On the trip we saw a electrecution boat – they remove non native fish from the lake by stunning and collecting them after – and a hot air ballon carrier, which drives to the middle of the lake in the morning, inflates the hot air ballon and captures it again at the end of the flight.
And there was this huge houseboat, that hardly left the habour since it was so top heavy that it would tip over in heavy winds. Nevertheless, it had a helipot on its topdeck. The water was cristal clear, and we could see the ground without any problems.
The view on the lake was great, I tried to capture it with a panorama shot, but as usual, it doesn’t do it justice.
We enjoyed the trip very much, it felt strange when the vehicle entered or left the water again. During the trip there was plenty of information about the lake and we got a couple of ideas what else to see. After we came back, we jumped onto the Gondola and got up the mountain.
There was an intermediate stop and the view over the lake and the surrounding mountains was marvellous,
We had a coffee there and stayed for 1.5 hours, just sitting there.
We continued to the top station but that was not as good, no view to the lake at all. So we didn’t stay there long, went down again, got some groceries and met some bears on the way (disclaimer: No human being was injured in the taking of these photos)
Then we went home and had a glass of Champagne at sunset.
Even with your broken arm I envy you guys!!
It’s sounds like such a boring time you’re having haha!
Keep up the good work 😉
The good stuff never stops!