Sigrids operation

Date: 09/04
City: Esquel, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 40450
Street: n/a
Weather: sunny/cloudy, warm

Today was the day; Sigrid got her spare parts fitted :P.
Negro picked us up in the morning and guided us to the OP preparation in the hospital. Not long after that Sigrid got a bed assigned and the doctor, Juan, came to talk to us before the operation. We presented him with our prepared questions. It looks like the order is, after 1 week; the doc has a look at the leg, after two weeks the stiches get removed and a new cast put on. Then we can travel by bus and crutches. Sigrid got into surgery and came out an hour and a half later and slept for another three hours. The picture below shows Sigrid after taking the happy pills. She was actually in pain, but after taking the pills she didn’t care about it 😀

In the evening the doctor came back, talked to us again, showed us the folder with the X-rays. Some additional information became clear now. It seems that Sigrid needs another operation in 6 weeks to remove the large screw and the rest of the screws come out earliest in one year.

The comments below made with a tongue in cheek, the hospital looked a bit worse for wear but it was always clean.

After a while Sigrid visited the toilet

A closer look at the wiring which was dangling out of the wall, we just hoped that the blank wires were not the active ones.

And to flush the toilet -just grab into the hole in the wall and pull on the yellow pipe, easy.

To be honest, the other toilet looked better, but it was too small for Sigrid’s crutches and IV dropper. But at least the window was kept open J


Date: 10/04
City: Esquel, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 40450
Street: n/a
Weather: sunny/cloudy, warm

During the night Sigrid couldn’t sleep well, the pain was strong. In the morning the doc visited and asked for another X-ray just to confirm that everything is in place. Below are Juan (the surgeon), Sigrid and her X-rays and the happy pills.

After the X-rays were done we were ready to leave the hospital….but before we could leave we got the bill for the operation.
It was only 700$ all up! That was a great relief for us. It meant that we can continue our trip – at least from the financial side – regardless of the insurance.
Then Negro appeared all out of the blue, Juan must have called him. He drove us home and even organized crutches for Sigrid, since we need to return the others back to the hospital in Futaleufu (Chile). At night he passed by again to see if we were ok and we made an arrangement for dinner Friday night. He’ll also take me to Futaleufu on Saturday afternoon, so I can bring my bike to Argentina.


  1. Wow Sigrid! I guess it couldn’t have been a real adventure without the both of you breaking a bone! Now you both have your own ‘war story’ to tell.

    Hope they gave you some good painkillers for the next few months.

    I’m glad the operation went well.

  2. Hi Ihr beiden!!!

    Ach Du Scheisse!!! Sigrid!!! Was hast Du gemacht??? Ich war schon länger nicht mehr auf Eurer Internetseite (habe gerade beruflich ziemlich viel stress). Ich hoffe Dir geht es wieder gut! Die Behandlung sieht ja abenteuerlich aus. Aber Ihr seid ja wieder “on the road” und habt Eueren Plan ja jetzt fast schon durchgezogen. Cool! Ihr habt bestimmt seid dem wir uns in Tikal gesehen haben noch viel erlebt. Ich werde mir demnächst mal Eure Einträge mal genau durchlesen. Das klingt ja alles sehr spannend. Ich wollte Euch mal ein Lebenszeichen von uns senden und wünschen Euch für den Rest der Reise noch viel Spaß und Gesundheit 😉 !!!

    Liebe Grüße,

    Donata und Tobias

    1. Hi! schoen von Euch zu hoeren. Ja, wir sind wieder ‘on the move’nach meinem Ausrutscher. Ushuaia und der Glazier Perito Moreno haben gerade Ticks bekommen.

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