Staying at Ria and Freya’s

Date: 18/10/2013
City: Berlin, Germany
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 65131
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, cool

The morning looked much better, the sun was out and we were in no hurry. Arriving in Berlin we realised that It was strange to be back here and to see the Funkturm and other building that have been so familiar 20 years ago.

We took our time even staying patient in the traffic jam, arriving at Ria & Freya’s place around 2PM. After a short catch-up we left Mahlow for this evening’s entertainment; Ria organized tickets for a show in the Friedrichstadt-Palast.

The show was awsome but unfortunately it was only permitted to take pictures at the end of the show.

Pictures of the Stars as we were leaving ;-).

Date: 19/10/2013
City: Berlin, Germany
Kilometres ridden: 0
Cumulative kilometre: 65131
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, cool

The next day we went to visit Ria and Freya’s grandchild Friedrich at Fabian and Lena’s place. Below is the family together, Cordula, Birger, Ria, Fabian, Freya and Lena with Friedrich.

After chatting for a while we went to lunch in a restaurant nearby, followed by a boats trip into the centre of Berlin. This was great, we were discovering Berlin anew. We have seen most of the streets by car or bicycle, but everything looks different from the water.

Since we left Germany in the early 1990 the Government district and the area around were totally new for us. We got to see all the new building in this area. To be honest, I don’t remember the names of the two buildings below, but I though they look great.-just found out this is the Chancellors office from a different side….

The next pictures show the Berlin Central Station and the Chancellor’s office from the other side. People have dubbed it “The Washing Machine”, I guess they are refering to a front loader J.

The next pictures show the Reichstag Building and on the right you can see it with the dome.

A picture of the Museum island that contains five international recognized museums.

And there was the TV tower and the Oberbaum bridge- place of legend in the DDR aera.

The weather was fantastic and we really enjoyed the couple of hours on the boat with our tourguides -Ria, Freya, Cordula and Birger . At the end of the boat tour we walked to the Schloss Charlottenburg, but we had to take a picture of Buddy Bear just in front of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan.

The Schloss Charlottenburg was part of the Berlin’s ‘festival of light’ and there were different pictures projected onto the front.

What a day, we were exhausted and went home. Luckily for us Ria and Freya were still full of power and cooked for us. During the evening we chewed their ear off about our travels before going to bed late.


Date: 20/10/2013
City: Berlin, Germany
Kilometres ridden: 135
Cumulative kilometre: 65266
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, cool

Today we would leave Ria and Freya, but not before we had brunch at a asparagus farm close by. So we packed up and went with Ria and Freya to a to Buschmann & Winkelmann in Klaistow. Well I always though asparagus is a long white or green stick and not orange and round J.

The place was bustling with people, luckily Ria and Freya had made booking for us, so we could sat down and have a long, tasty, too small stomach brunch.

After eating so much it was time for a walk. So we checked out the grounds with all sculptures made of pumpkins.

Luckily, I was there to prevent the kids from climbing the Mont Blanc sculpture J

And then they had held competitions about the largest pumpkin -they were all over 500kg but the largest one weight 672kg, amazing-the best Carved Pumpkin and other gardening highlights.

It got late in the day, so we said good bye to Ria and Freya and took off. After a brief visit to Bodo, Sigrid brother we arrived at Gabies house around 9PM, where Mathias, Robert and Gabi’s dad were waiting for us.

We had dinner and talked for a while before heading to bed.

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