Sigrid’s Birthday

Date: 17/05
City: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Kilometres ridden: 183
Cumulative kilometre: 46434
Street: One lane, three lane highway
Weather: Sunny/warm

Today was Sigrid’s Birthday. Luckily I had a printed picture of our cute grandson, so I cleverly turned it into a card. And I organised some some chocolate before 🙂

We had really nice long breakfast, since we had plenty of time; Buenos Aires was only 180km away.

On our way to Buenos Aires we could still see some resedue of the flood at beginning of April, it felt a bit like riding through wetlands.

After a while we arrived at the toll both of a four lane highway. What a difference within one day, from Patagonia to Buenos Aires!

When arriving at the hostel we had earmarked we realised that there were plenty of steep stairs for Sigrid to manage, so we decided to have a look if something else was around. We ended up in a nice hostel which still had stairs but was in the middle of the town centre. The room was great and the view somehow reminded me of Berlin.

So we unpacked and let Suma and Hoa know that we were in a different hostel. We met at night and went out to a nice restaurant with typical Argentinean food (Asado).

They also organised some candles for Sigrid, which was really nice.

We had a lot to talk about, our different experiences and adventures, so time went by without us noticing it. We left around 1AM, it was a great evening.

1 comment

  1. So much time with no notice from you!
    Glad to see you are ok,and enjoy Sigrid’s birthday in Buenos Aires.
    Good luck!

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