Mont Saint – Michelle

City: Mont Saint-Michel, France
Kilometres ridden: 71
Cumulative kilometre: 62225
Street: Highway
Weather: Sunny, warm

We took our time to get to Mont Saint-Michel, where we parked the bike and hopped on the bus to visit the island.

On our way we saw the new bridge being built, to connect the island. It will make access to the island independent of high tides.


When we entered the town through the gate we could imagine being back in the 1700’s.


The town was nicely restored and there was still some restoration work going on at the monastery and the outside walls.


Looking at the people walking throught the mud flat gave us some idea about the proportions of the island.

The monastery was impressive; as always it’s hard to capture.


From the monestery we entered the garden, which had a great view.


We continued to walk through different levels and rooms. We followed the signs, since we lost our orientation in the maze of rooms and hallways.




Eventually we found the exit….

We booked a hotel in the town nearby and walked to the local dam at sunset, where we were told we would have a great view onto the island.

Due to the clouds, the sunset was not spectacular, but the island looked great with the clouds and at night.


Tomorrow our plan is Versaile, will see if we make it there in one day.


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